-- tiles 참고 페이지 --
Apache Tiles - Home
<!-- /* * $Id: index.xml 1813843 2017-10-31 02:56:12Z mck $ * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding cop
-> 메뉴에 Documentation
-> Tiles 3.0x
-> Tutorial
-> Creating Tiles Pages
-> 이용
<%@ taglib uri="http://tiles.apache.org/tags-tiles" prefix="tiles" %>
<title><tiles:getAsString name="title"/></title>
<td colspan="2">
<tiles:insertAttribute name="header" />
<tiles:insertAttribute name="menu" />
<tiles:insertAttribute name="body" />
<td colspan="2">
<tiles:insertAttribute name="footer" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 3.0//EN"
<definition name="myapp.homepage" template="/layouts/classic.jsp">
<put-attribute name="title" value="Tiles tutorial homepage" />
<put-attribute name="header" value="/tiles/banner.jsp" />
<put-attribute name="menu" value="/tiles/common_menu.jsp" />
<put-attribute name="body" value="/tiles/home_body.jsp" />
<put-attribute name="footer" value="/tiles/credits.jsp" />
'SPRING' 카테고리의 다른 글
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[Spring] tiles ViewResolver 설정하기 (0) | 2022.05.11 |
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[Spring] tiles 지시서 작성하기1 (Eclipse) (0) | 2022.05.11 |
[Spring] DataSource 이용 (0) | 2022.05.11 |